DISC 1 (46:58)
1. Power Ceremony And Main Title 4:35
2. Jen Plays Pipes And Mystic Master Dies 3:02
3. Skeksis Funeral Ceremony 2:06
4. Mystics Funeral Ceremony 3:25
5. Jen’s Journey And Council Chamber 2:04
6. Skeksis Fight Duel 3:29
7. Chamberlain Is Disrobed And Garthim Pursues Jen 3:53
8. Jen Encounters Aughra 1:29
9. Mystics 9-Tone Chant And The Observatory At Night 3:15
10. Garthim Attack Observatory And Mystics Leave Valley 4:08
11. Jen And Kira In Forest 2:29
12. Mindspeech, Nebrie And Mystics Journey 3:56
13. Skeksis Celebratory Banquet 3:03
14. Jen & Kira Duet 2:24
15. Introduction And Pod Dance 3:38
DISC 2 (48:54)
1. Kira Brings Down The Bat-Bird And Garthim Attack Pod Village 2:12
2. Jen & Kira Love Theme 4:12
3. In The Ruins Of The Gelfling Village 3:56
4. Landstriders Introduction And Journey 1:49
5. Chamber Of Life 3:29
6. Landstriders Battle With Garthim And The Second Mystics Journey 3:25
7. In The Sewer Of The Castle 1:55
8. Kira Removed To The Council Chamber 2:07
9. Kira In The Chamber Of Life 3:47
10. Kira Is Freed And Jen In The Garthim Lair 2:13
11. Jen And Aughra In The Chamber Of Life 1:48
12. Skeksis Panicked By Gelfling And Jen In The Crystal Chamber 4:25
13. The Great Conjunction And The Arrival Of The Mystics 4:53
14. The Mystics And Skeksis Fuse To Become The UrSkeks 5:22
15. Pod Dance (Reprise) And Finale 3:18
DISC 3 (41:04)
1. Overture 3:13
2. The Power Ceremony 3:54
3. The Storm 1:03
4. The Mystic Master Dies :51
5. The Funerals; Jen’s Journey 5:27
6. The Skeksis’ Duel 2:44
7. The Pod Dance 3:12
8. Love Theme 3:18
9. Gelfling Song 2:20
10. The Gelfling Ruins 2:45
11. The Landstrider Journey :43
12. The Great Conjunction 4:14
13. Finale 7:19
Total Album Time: 136:56.